Business Themed Wine Tastings

Food and Wine

Tasting Themes

Apart from the classical tastings where we pair food and wine, we have many other tasting events which concentrate on culinary themes. Below are some favourite subjects, but of course the list is endless.


Our professional Sean has over 15 years of knowledge and experience, to help you find the right program for your particular employees or clients. 

Friends and Family Online

A great way to connect with your family and friends over some great wines while learning some useful facts and tips to help you enjoy wine better in the future. 

Since the Corona virus restrictions our online events are becoming popular. We keep them fun and interactive to ensure it does not feel like another Zoom meeting!  There are different formats – either you buy the wines yourself guided by Sean’s suggestions or we can send you a tasting pack.



“I’ve been participating in several of Sean‘s Wine Tasting Events and can highly recommend it. It‘s
always fun combined with amazing wines/ drinks and lovely people. Sean has a profound knowledge and is passionate in hosting his guests. Perfect event – danger of repetition 😊”

Suggested Tasting Themes

Vegan Food

Vegan Cheese

Dietary Requirements

Vegan Wine

During this presentation you will learn how to identify vegan wines and how vegan wine making differs from other wines. For the online event you will receive suggestions beforehand on how to source your wines for the tasting. 


Cheese and Wine

Food Matching

Cheese and Wine

Learn which cheeses go with red and white wines and the very specific matches of local wines with cheese from the same regions.

Asian Food

Indian Food Bahadur

Food Matching

Wines with Asian Food

During this wine tasting event you will learn some great tips on which wines to pair with Asian food, whether it is non-spicy like sushi or the hottest Indian curry.